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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mermaid in a Cup

A few weeks ago a friend of mine commissioned me to make a birthday present for a friend of hers. Taking on this challenge I only know just a few things about her friend; she loves glitter, fairies, gardening, anything sparkly and pretty, making use of old items, and of course mermaids. But within a few moments I could see my finished piece for her present.

A week and a half ago I started on the project. I'm not fond of polymer clays, and I'm sure it doesn't like me either. I have such a hard time with it, but don't see any other way to create the mermaid. So I jumped on in.The first photo is the first step, the armature.

Second photo is my first attempt at the torso, it came out great for my first attempt.

Photo number three is where I've added the tail. Unfortunately here's where the torso started going down hill. The green from the tail tinted the fair skin color of the body

Next photo is just to show how she'll be sitting in the clear glass tea cup.

Today, over a week later from when I began sculpting I have one arm on the mermaid. Mind you I've been spending four to five hours a day (minus weekends) working with the clay. It's fought me every step of the way. I also have managed to get a face that I find acceptable, but it just needs the rest of the head before I will attach it.

More to come!Thanks for following along!